For advertisers looking for optimal reach and frequency, we recommend the premium display bundle. This ad assortment will target user throughout our site, on mobile, desktop, and app, giving advertisers a large marketing footprint across our platform.
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Creative Specifications
Premium Display Bundle
• Click URL
• Image Dimensions – 728x90, 300x250, 300x600, 160x600, and 320x50
• Image Format – JPG, GIF, PNG
• Total Size – less than 200kb
• Animation
• 3-loop max. No unlimited looping
• NO blinking/flashing text or images
• Must have a final landing screen after looping which should contain CTA
• 3rd party ad serving or tracking tags accepted (tags must be secured)
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Creative Best Practices
Premium Display Bundle
• Display Ad views at OnTheSnow have proven to drive direct ROAS and also lift the return of other media you have in market, so where applicable create a common thread across all digital channels
• Carefully consider layout options that will work well across each ad size/device
• Use colors that align with your brand guidelines
• Write a concise attention-grabbing headline
• Incorporate unique photography
• Include a highly visible button with a strong call-to action - CTAs should be short, meaningful and action-oriented
• Add your brand's logo